Carly's New Life
Carly considered herself a good girl or now a good woman. She didn’t smoke or do drugs and she drank only in moderation. She’d been raised in a close family and well versed in ethics and morals during her early years. In high school, she had been an outstanding student and excelled in several sports - the all-American girl!
Then, she went off to a distant university and listened to the professors speak of humanism. . . the new morality! During her freshman years, she’d listened and reasoned and compared this new morality with that she’d learned during her childhood.
All around her she saw evidence of the new morality and the girls in her dorm were happily into this new life style. So it was that she made a conscious decision. She would try this new way. . . she would play the game! First, she would rid herself of that troublesome virginity!
It wasn’t difficult for Carly to play. Tall, willowy, brunette with blue eyes and a pale complexion set on delicate feminine facial features, she was the target for many of the college “Romeos”. Having made her decision, she was very discerning and passed up many opportunities until just the right guy had come along.
Ryan was the man who seemed to fit all her wants. He made his pass and she readily accepted. So I was that she went to dinner and back to Ryan’s hotel room to play. This evening, she had avoided any alcohol as she wanted to be able to fully enjoy what was about to happen. . . what she wanted to happen! Strange, she’d thought, having made her decision how eager she was to get on with it.
She had chosen well in Ryan, a sensitive and considerate lover who had broken several girls into the new life style previously. When they’d returned to his room, he had kissed her and made love to her with his eyes. Carly’d felt her passions rise as she realized what was happening. . . She was being seduced! . . . on the first date yet!
As they kissed and she’d felt a never ending series of new and exciting feeling, she was aware of Ryan’s hands roving over her and her clothing falling away. When she felt his lips on her breasts, she reveled in the sensations she was receiving. Only when she felt his big cock move into her vestibule did she feel fear. It had been momentary as the bog man-meat moved into her warm love channel and she was subject to a whole new set of sensations.
From that first night with Ryan, Carly went through a number of ready and willing guys as she became addicted to the excitement of fucking each new guy! As she experienced each of those new guys in her life, she picked up some new ideas to perfect her own technique and life was good.
Then, after university, she’d moved to the city and found the many clubs and discos exactly to her liking. There were men, even a surplus of men, as she adjusted to her new life in the city. She leased a studio apartment in one of the high-rise apartments which she furnished to suite her tastes. The big, king-sized bed with the dimmer lighting and a bedside stand stocked with condoms, lubes, and gadgets. On the walls were murals of nude men and women and the stereo system was equipped to play mood music.
It was the place where she could entertain and be entertained by the men she chose to bring there.
So it was that early evening when Carly, dressed in a sexy, skintight, red mini-dress and black hosiery. approached the Atrium Club where she was pretty sure that there’d be a man to suit her purpose.
It was early yet as she entered and passed through the still sparse crowd to the bar, she noted the several pairs of men’s eyes follow her. Then, at the bar, she turned suddenly and checked out the owners of those eyes. One set of eyes in particular belonged to a rather handsome fellow with the earmarks of a gentleman and she considered him.
The fellow was rather to her liking and she’d probably not find better for her purposes by waiting. She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention. Then, having sent the signal she waited until a minute later when he appeared by her side and spoke, “High, I’m Greg and who, might I ask, have I the pleasure of addressing?”
“Name’s Carly! Have a seat here at the bar.” She said as she motioned him to sit.
“What’s up with you tonight? Carly”
“Just drinkin’ and lookin’ for a good time”
Greg turned to the bartender and ordered, “Another drink for the lady please.”
So, they engaged in small talk for a few minutes and Carly noted, with satisfaction, that Greg’s hands were frequently touching and feeling her. . . all very innocently of course! She began to feel the excitement build!
Then, the band started to play and they danced. Greg was a lousy dancer. . .but his hands were constantly on her. When the music got slow, he pulled her to him and she felt his bone wedged between their bellies. He was definitely hot!
Then, as they returned to the bar, Carly said, “I’ve got a place. . .not to far! It’s more private.” Twenty minutes later, Carly was opening her apartment door to admit she and Greg.
Then, on entry, she suggested that Greg sit on the sofa while she poured them some brandy. As she moved, the mood music began to play in the background and the lights grew dimmer. From her picture window the lights of the city were beautiful and after handing Greg his drink, she went to the window and stared out in silence. Then, just as she’d planned, Greg came and stood behind her at the window.
As they looked out on the lights of the city she felt Greg’s arms embrace her from behind as he pressed his body against hers at the window. Her excitement grew! She turned and embraced Greg to draw him close as she kissed him.
Now, she was feeling the good old familiar feel . . lust, passion, excitement, possibly a bit of fear. Her mind and body were fully attuned to the situation and she felt her labia moisten and her nipples grow sensitive. There was an urgency now!
Carly took Greg’s hand and led him to the big bed where she turned him and sat him as she loosened his belt and zipper ands pulled off his polo shirt. Suddenly, it was a flurry of activity as they undressed each other and themselves to leave their clothes where they fell on he floor.
As Carly looked at Greg’s body for the first time, she was pleased. He was normal and healthy and his hard-on was at it’s finest. She reveled briefly in the thought that she had caused it - it as hers, at least for the night anyway! This was what she lived for. . .
When Greg moved between her legs and positioned himself to eat her pussy, she was additionally pleased and she moved again so that they were in a perfect 69 position. From this position, she could suck him off and get his first discharge into her mouth; then, he’d last longer when they fucked.
A few minutes later, Greg suddenly backed away from Carly as his cock left her mouth and began to spurt his discharge on to her breasts. Having completed his ejaculation, he rolled off her and she reached for the towel on the night stand to wipe away all of Greg’s discharge. This was better than she’d hoped, now she didn’t have that taste in her mouth.
She moved up to kiss him on the lips. . .He needed some stimulation and with one hand on his now flaccid cock and her lips and tongue on his mouth, she hoped to accomplish just that. Then, as their tongues met, she tasted her own juices and her excitement grew once again. In less than a minute, Carly felt the muscle in her hand begin to grow and expand and then, it was ready!
Then, with Greg flat on his back, she saw her opportunity. She moved over him with one knee either side of her rib cage, applied the condom, and positioned his cock for her to sit down and impale herself on it. It was her favorite position. It was the position of power. It was like this that she derived her greatest pleasure!
Finally, in position, Carly rode Greg, cowgirl fashion, long and hard. She bounced on him with a fury like Greg had never seen before. Sometimes she rode bent forward with her tits touching Greg's and others, she rode tall in the saddle. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead.
Carly’s excitement had grown to a level that she seldom experienced and she poured every bit of energy she could muster into this fuck in hopes of increasing her pleasure. No doubt Greg was good! He had brought her to this point.
Then, with all the violent movement, fatigue began to set in and Carly slowed. Every cycle of her thrusting grew slower. . . .Still she worked! She needed to cum!
Then, Greg made the move. He suddenly rolled Carly on to her back and moved between her widely splayed knees to a position where he could re-insert his cock into her and drive it home in her belly.
This time, Greg began to pound his cock into her in a violent thrusting and the exhausted Carly could only lay idle as he fucked her relentlessly. It was as she lay there, she felt it! It was a feeling like no other! The sensations from her vulva and vagina were powerful - more powerful that any she’d previously experienced in a long time. They flooded over her and blotted out all rational thinking! Only the extreme pleasure remained! She had her sought after orgasm!
When she felt Greg stiffen and his actions grow erratic, Carly sensed the end. With renewed energy, she raised her butt off the bed and drove herself on to his thrusting cock as she felt the slight jerks of his cock muscles as they spewed their discharge into the condom.
A minute later, Greg rolled off her and said simply, “That was one hell of a fuck!”
Carly felt pride in his statement. She’d taken him for a good ride and she knew it.
Then, Greg was putting his clothes on. As he tied his second shoe, he stood, took the last sip of brandy from his snifter and turned to go. Carly was at his side and as he reached the door he said, “May I call you some time?”
Carly said simply, “Sometime would be nice.”
“See you around!”
Then Greg was gone.
Carly went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and gargled. The taste of her juices that she had gotten when she’d kissed Greg remained to be washed away. Then, she showered and dried herself.
A look a her watch told her it wasn’t even ten o’clock yet and she still had time for the evening television news before bed. . . .